When I was a teen, I started jumping off the high dive at the local pool. I would climb up, stand there terrified for a full two minutes, and then finally step to the edge and dive.
In the moment that I finally unfroze, I would feel this weird sensation. It felt like some third-party force was moving me forward, despite the frantic objections in my body and mind. But I still went, and it was always awesome.
I get that weird sensation now, but with two new diving boards: the send button and the publish button. The moment before I click, every molecule in my body shouts, “Don’t do it! There are a million mistakes and your grammar sounds weird and people are going to judge you.”
But somehow, my finger always lands, and it’s always awesome. Because, for me, publishing is not always about perfect content or wowing my audience. It’s about being brave and taking a leap off the high dive at the public pool.