When I create a website for someone, I want to equip that person with a dynamic tool that s/he understands and can easily use. I love to think through the site's flow together, lend my design knowledge, and even do the initial build, but I want you to run it. That's why I build using Squarespace. Learn a few basics, and bip bap bam, you now have a platform and voice that you completely own and control.

Christian identified two main audiences for the site: potential collaborators, and friends who wanted to learn about and attend his shows. The most important thing for me as a designer is that visitors can navigate wherever their whimsy dictates, and still be able to easily - without thinking at all - accomplish their goal action. No matter where they go on Christian's site, there's a red carpet leading to the calendar and contact pages. 

The beautiful image on Christian's homepage is by Robin Lambrecht. I shot the photos of Christian in the blue suit with my Fujifilm XT-2, and edited them in Adobe Lightroom.